Because Mom ofKinds is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all donations are tax deductible.
for her
Single moms who graduate with a bachelor’s degree earn about $610,000 more over their lifetimes than those with a high school diploma.
for them
Approximately 90% of single moms in college and their children are living on a low income while still having to cover expenses for child care and school.
for all
A single mom with a bachelor’s degree will support a thriving economy by contributing approximately $86,000 in taxes and public benefit savings over her lifetime.
your donation goes a long way
how we help at mom ofkinds
apply to school
Mom ofKinds helps our moms find and apply to the school that is right for them, whether it is online or on campus.
pay for school
Mom ofKinds covers the cost of tuition, books, and additional school related needs, such as tutoring.
support through school
Mom ofKinds provides one-on-one support throughout our moms’ educational journeys, no matter what they need.
Have questions? Please email us at hello@momofkinds.org.